Software and Preparation

Before you can start modding Legends, you first have to install the required tools and applications.

Download Minecraft Legends

Picking an Editor

Modding Legends can be done using any text editor, however it's much more comfortable to work in a dedicated editor. A good editor can give you code-completion, error-detection, and in-editor documentation.


VSCode is a general purpose text-editor and IDE. With VSCode, you will be able to edit your mods in plain-text, guided along by a powerful array of extensions and addons. VSCode is a great option for programmers and advanced users.

⚙️Install VSCodeopen in new window

Many packages exist for VSCode that make modding easier:

Image Editors

When choosing an image editor, it is important to keep in mind that the traditional Minecraft style is composed of simple 16x16 pixelart. There are plenty of powerful and free art programs available for you to use. However, many of these programs have more tools than you will need for Minecraft graphical design and these tools require time to learn.


Choose a program that feels comfortable and easy for you to use. Many Addon creators use different art programs for different tasks. (Example: One might use paint․net for most of the art, and piskel for Minecraft block animations). Choose what works best for you!


Krita is a powerful open-source art programed with the goal of giving free powerful digital art tools to artists. Krita has more than enough features to cover your Minecraft needs and works on a MAC or PC. + Pros: Plenty of features including a pixel brush with an intuitive user interface. - Cons: Requires a little time to become familar with the tools.

Download Kritaopen in new window


Gimp is similar to Krita in that it is a free and open source digital art program that has a vast arrays of tools. Where Krita focuses more on illustration, GIMP focuses more on image manipulation (think Photoshop). Gimp also works on MAC or PC. + Pros: GIMP has more than enough tools for editing Minecraft art - Cons: The interface is not intuitive. Even though GIMP is powerful, it requires a steep learning curve.

Download Gimpopen in new window


Paint․net is a simple yet powerful image editing and art software. Paint․net may not have a vast array of tools like Krita and GIMP, but it does offer simplicity and ease of use. + Pros: Easy to use and learn. - Cons: Only works on Windows.

Download Paint.netopen in new window


Pixilart is a web-based pixel art software. It is extremely simple to use since it is focused on pixel art. It also has a powerful resize option that may come in handy, so that you can resize your art without losing the pixelart details.

+ Pros: Easy to use and learn. Curated specifically for pixel art. - Cons: Must have internet connection. May be missing tools you want.

Use Pixilartopen in new window


Piskel is a web-based pixel art software with a focus of making pixelated sprites (or video game character animations). This tool, similar to Pixilart, is simple to use. This is also a great tool for making flipbooks (Minecraft block or skin animations).

+ Pros: Easy to use and learn. Perfect for flipbook animations - Cons: Must have internet connection. Only offers the most basic tools.

Download Piskelopen in new window


LibreSprite is a free and open source program for creating and animating your sprites. Based on the last GPLv2 commit of aseprite.

+ Pros: Basic & easy to use, customizable and curated for pixel artists. - Cons: May not work on Mac, maintained only by a small community.

Additional Materials


This guide will walk you through the first stages of addon development, but it is not comprehensive! To learn more about addons, you will have to use and reference other sources of information, which we will link to here.

Join the Discord

The best place to get help with this guide is to join the discord serveropen in new window.

Troubleshooting and Additional Help

  • You can explore additional tools here.