Game Configuration

Now that Legends registers your mod, it's time for you to be able to test it.


First, create a gamelayer folder in the RP folder. Inside gamelayer, create a folder called launcher. Inside the launcher folder, create a file called game_mode.json.


    "game_modes": [
            "behavior_pack": "...",
            "default_privacy": 0,
            "loading_tip_set": "campaign",
            "max_players": 1,
            "name": "...",
            "parent": "myth",
            "resource_pack": "...",
            "telemetry_name": "Myth_Mod_Template",
            "ui_style": "lostLegend"
    "myths_hub_host_list": [{ "name": "myth_test" }]
  • Replace the ... in behavior_pack and resource_pack with the UUID in the header section of your manifest.json.
  • Replace the ... in name with the mod id you defined in dlc_metadata.json.

Game Rules

Now we need to define the game rules for the custom gamemode. Create a game_rules folder inside the RP. Inside this folder, create a game_rules.json.

    "badger:template": { "game_mode": "...", "parent": "game_rules" },
    "defaults": {
        "autosaveenabled": true,
        "bsharpenabled": true,
        "campaignactsenabled": false,
        "creativemodedefault": true,
        "devplaygroundenabled": true,
        "difficultymodeenabled": true,
        "dodaylightcycle": false,
        "dofogofwar": false,
        "doplayersinvincible": true,
        "doweathercycle": false,
        "enablecinematicdeaths": false,
        "enableunlocks": true,
        "entitystreamingenabled": true,
        "exclusiveluredunits": true,
        "generator_type": "flat",
        "mapenabled": true,
        "onboardingenabledcampaign": false,
        "onboardingenabledpvp": false,
        "popcapenabled": false,
        "precachestructures": true,
        "randomstartingteam": false,
        "saveonquitenabled": true,
        "skip_lobby_creation": true,
        "teamcolors": false,
        "use_flatlands_level_id": false,
        "useactiontelemetry": false,
        "worldsizeaxischunks": 100

Replace the ... with your mod id.

Player Spawn

The game now knows how to generate your mod, but it needs to know how to spawn the player. In your BP folder, create a services folder. In this folder create player_spawn.json.

    "badger:player_spawn_service": {
        "badger:template": {
            "game_mode": "...",
            "parent": "badger:player_spawn_service"
        "default_mount_archetype": "badger:mount_horse",
        "min_block_radius": 100,
        "pending_villages": [],
        "player_archetype": "minecraft:player",
        "respawn_seconds": 0.0

Replace the ... with your mod id.

Checking your Work

If you have done everything correctly, when you play your mod, it should spawn you in a flat world with the horse mount!