Entity Components

Here's a list of all entity components, more documentation coming soon.

  • badger:template
  • badger:objective_health_bar
  • badger:map3_selectable
  • badger:exclude_from_spatial_partition
  • badger:becomes_lost
  • badger:waypoint_marker
  • badger:conflict_config
  • badger:map_controller
  • badger:unittype_selector
  • badger:loot_collector
  • badger:suppress_target_action
  • badger:target_actions
  • badger:global_var_registry_kill
  • badger:recall_prevention
  • badger:bsharp_lifetime
  • badger:aoe
  • badger:resist_status
  • badger:bsharp_interact_cost
  • badger:interactable
  • screen_position_offset
  • badger:map3_tooltip
  • badger:world_single_spawn
  • badger:aimable_turret
  • badger:atomic_village_exempt
  • badger:knockback_resistance
  • badger:status_effect_telemetry_tracking
  • badger:cinematic_death
  • badger:fast_travel
  • badger:inventory
  • badger:difficulty_modifier_gravity
  • badger:movement
  • badger:conflict_coordinator
  • badger:interacts_with_blocks
  • badger:damage_source_telemetry_tracker
  • badger:difficulty_modifier_jump_gravity
  • badger:buildable_intangible
  • badger:telemetry_track_banner_order
  • badger:show_debug_health
  • badger:map3_tooltip_extended
  • capped_spawner
  • badger:jump
  • badger:spawn_costs
  • badger:pop_capped
  • badger:disbandable
  • badger:quick_direct_aim
  • badger:leash_on_stop
  • badger:physics
  • badger:dynamic_scale_interpolate
  • badger:buildable_controller_spawner
  • badger:difficulty_modifier_damage
  • badger:removal_time
  • badger:scriptable_buildable_spawner
  • badger:fast_travel_point
  • badger:player
  • badger:allay
  • badger:entity_leap
  • badger:tags
  • badger:map3_tooltip_action
  • badger:difficulty_modifier_max_health
  • badger:buildable_creation_influence_source
  • badger:offline_traits
  • badger:glide_telemetry_tracking
  • badger:fast_traveller
  • badger:map_icon_revealed
  • badger:clear_from_zone_of_control
  • badger:reset_heartbeat_in_range
  • badger:lure
  • badger:glide
  • badger:bsharp_teleport_presentation
  • badger:stamina
  • badger:difficulty_modifier_knockback
  • badger:damage_influence_source
  • badger:projectile
  • badger:movement_speed_camera_effects
  • badger:buildable_spawner
  • badger:advanced_direct_reticle
  • badger:village_influence
  • badger:destroy_on_village_destruction
  • badger:item_collection
  • badger:action_tickets
  • badger:tag_modifier_source
  • badger:map3_tooltip_audio
  • badger:spawner_add_loot_override
  • badger:damage_receiver
  • badger:auto_fire
  • badger:mount
  • badger:aimable
  • badger:rider
  • badger:entity_age
  • badger:presentation_event
  • badger:world_collision
  • badger:recallable_entity
  • badger:targeting
  • badger:influencer_coordinator
  • badger:map3_solo_play_hidden
  • badger:culture
  • badger:telemetry_lure_direct
  • badger:difficulty_modifier_accuracy_max_range
  • badger:has_saddle
  • badger:buildable_requirement
  • badger:leash
  • badger:telemetry_category
  • badger:difficulty_modifier_accuracy_min_range
  • badger:engineer
  • badger:delayed_jump
  • badger:influence_map_ai
  • badger:health_regeneration
  • badger:trigger_criteria
  • badger:music_emitter_states
  • badger:spawn_tracking
  • badger:sprint
  • badger:aura_applicator
  • badger:conditionally_solid_blocks
  • badger:spawner_add_tags
  • badger:auto_despawn
  • badger:spawner_rules
  • badger:fall_damage
  • badger:reports_hit_reaction
  • badger:damage_receiver_material
  • badger:entity_collision
  • badger:pop_cap_anchor
  • badger:target_assigner
  • badger:track_influenced_group_position
  • badger:health
  • badger:persistent_entity_influence_source
  • badger:state_reporting
  • badger:waypoint_marker_visibility
  • badger:interactor
  • badger:collision_weight
  • badger:loot
  • badger:wander
  • badger:navigation
  • badger:heartbeat
  • badger:projectile_physics
  • badger:aabb
  • badger:auto_teleport
  • badger:lured
  • badger:tracks_health_change
  • badger:campaign_team


  • identifer Is used to identifie the entity in other files and is normally the entity's name or id and should be unique, if you use identifier of another entite it will overwrite it. [required]
  • runtime_identfier Is normally set to Badger:badger_mob. [required]
  • is_summonable It determines if the entite is summonable. [required]

v example v

"description": {
      "identifier": "badger:mob_name",
      "runtime_identifier": "badger:badger_mob",
      "is_summonable": true //bolen

Mushroom data

  • role Determines the role of the entity. (Can be Animal, Melee, Special, Ranged, other)
  • function Determines the function of the entity. (Can Be PvP, other)

v example v

"mushroom_data": {
      "role": "Ranged",
      "function": "PvP"


  • The badger:template component is used to make an entity have all the same components of another entity without the need to rewrite them, It is also a array so you can add multiple templates at the same time but they might conflict with etch other, Any of the components that are add by the template will be overridden by ones in the file.

v example v

"badger:template": [


  • table Determines which loot talbe is droped when the entity is destroyed/killed.

v example v

"badger:loot": {
        "table": "uncommon_mob"

Spawn cost

  • costs Is the cost of spawning the entity although it is largy irrelevant due to that normally being decided by the spawer it self.
  • tickets Is the number of soul flames cupped/taken by the entity if any.

v example v

"badger:spawn_costs": {
        "costs": [
            "item": "diamond",
            "amount": 2
            "item": "emerald",
            "amount": 2
        "tickets": [
            "ticket": "spawn",
            "amount": 1


  • move_speed It is the speed at which the entity can move.
  • air_control_factor it is how easy it is for the entity to turn around in the air.

v example v

"badger:movement": {
        "move_speed": 4.5,
        "air_control_factor": 0.5


  • gravity It is how strong is how much the force of gravity affects the entity - is more + is less.
  • friction It is how much the entity is slowed down by touching the ground.

v example v

"badger:physics": {
        "gravity": -30,
        "friction": 0.04